I just finished..It was my summer book..as usual Eco is a master and he is the best to mix toghteher fictional stories and real histories...
I highly reccomend it to all!!!
Il Cimitero Di Praga review

Do or Die review

Imagine Pogues, Clash and Stiff Little Fingers mixed toghether..what do u get? Celtic punk!!!
One of the best albums from Hellcat Records!
One of the best albums from Hellcat Records!

...And Out Come The Wolves review

"First album a masterpiece from Rancid.. Inside here u can find all their influences: Ska(do u remember Operation Ivi???), Punk rock and Hard core... My avatar name "TIME BOMB" came from their tune!"

The Dark Knight review

I like this film a lot..Excellent performance of the main carachters: Christian Bale, Heath Legder(RIP)
and Michael Caine.
My only question is: They finish all budget and they can' t pay a better woman for the female carachter???
Any girl from the Russian Ballet would be better...
She is simply awful...
and Michael Caine.
My only question is: They finish all budget and they can' t pay a better woman for the female carachter???
Any girl from the Russian Ballet would be better...
She is simply awful...