"U should add some italian singer here! For example Tiziano Ferro, Jovanotti or Eros Ramazzotti!"

"Maybe she have many faces, but for me she's ugly as hell! Nothing against your list Propelas but that woman repulse me! Maybe the only reason why she make movies is that they save money from make up"

"Aira x essere come Nicole Kidman basterebbe rubagli il chirurgo plastico.. Anke se secondo me รจ 1 incapace.. ;-)"

"i THINK YOU SHOULDS PUT ALSO MY lists: http://www.listal.com/list/bellissime-italiane 128 votes http://www.listal.com/list/scott-cambell 127 votes http://www.listal.com/list/cartoon-car-becames"

"I just survived watching the DeVito/Broderick movie.. It s a crap but i enjoyed his wife and the twins daughters..hot!"

"E da buoni italiani un bel cinepanettone nn ce lo mettiamo?? :-)))))"

"Nice..But which one were partners on set and wich on real life???????????????"

"Oltre a "Una poltrona per due" che ieri sera ho rivisto x la 10.000.000 volta mi ricordo che da mbambino guardavo sempre il fil dei puffi quello con Solfamรฌ x intenderci.. Il Flauto a sei puffi htt"

"How I wished to be a smurf to look behind that skirt!!!! Anyway I find her a very eautiful and talented woman..You forgot the movies HAPPY FEET 1 & 2 where she gives her beautiful voice..."

"Nice list..But I remember that the only remarkable thing about Adrian Paul was not his sword but his toupet... :-)))))))))))))))))))))"

"Nice list!!! You took inspiration from my List??? http://www.listal.com/list/i-love-america"

"I m a huge fan of Band Of Brothers.. I ve read the book and love the series produced by Tom hanks and Steven Spielberg.."

"Nice questions..except the one of Amy Winehouse..(RIP) Came on, leave her and concentrate on the superb music she left us.."

"I love Victoria's angels!!! Bravo Salvatore!"

"very pretty and talented actress! In just a few years she shot so many movies!"