"thanks for let us discover those beauties!"
"Cool list..One suggestion, Vanessa Lake: [img id=1159948 width=500full]"
"I never understand what there is to be interested in Steven Seagall's movies??? Bad acting, bad fighting scene, unexisting plot... It still remains a mistery to me..."
"Showgirls is one of my fav films!!!"
"MA dove lo trovi tempo de ascortarti pure 'a musica giapponese??? cmque preferisco quella russa, ucraina o rumena... :-))))))))))))))))))))"
"You forgot to put Rhianna..I put some foto of her Rolling Stone photoshoot under her profile.."
"I would put in this list chuck Norris also!"
"Some of this look like 2nd(the lobster) I saw in lady Gaga also..."
"Mi piace....Buona Pasqua Aira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"aND WHAT ABOUT THIS???? http://www.listal.com/list/wonder-woman-timebomb"
"nice list,..but Victoria Beckam in that picture is in a blue dress!!!"
"Brava Aira..Bella lista complimenti!!! L' Esorcista ank' io non l'ho mai visto(di proposito) Invece tutta la serie dei Pirati dei Caraibi ho provato a guardarla ma x + di 10 minuti nn ce la faccio.."
"I had never enjoy watching Lost and i don' t understand his success..."
"I don t agree with your N.1, but nice list.."